Sobering Reality

By: catherineross

Apr 05 2011

Category: Uncategorized


I did a double take today when I stumbled upon this image and paused for a moment to reflect on life. I have been blessed in so many ways and there are so many others who's pain and suffering drives them to the edge and often over the edge of existence. This is one of the hard cold realities of life, not just within a City but everywhere. Most graffiti is painted by individuals ages 12 to mid 20's. Someone left a very potent message on this rusted door.

4 comments on “Sobering Reality”

  1. AWESOME! I swear it is like you live in a cartoon or fairy tale word 🙂 The whimsy in this is not lost on me at all my friend!

  2. WOW, now that I read what you had to say it takes on an entirely different meaning to me .

  3. Sad, but true! Great shot, Cath.

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